Sixth Edition of Progressing National SDGs Implementation

Sixth Edition of Progressing National SDGs Implementation

The Progressing National SDGs Implementation report provides an independent analysis of reporting by United Nations Member States to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). Supported by a coalition of civil society organizations from around the world and prepared by Cooperation Canada, the report examines the current status of 2030 Agenda implementation, unpacks trends in reporting and identifies good practice.

This report, the sixth edition of Progressing National SDGs Implementation, aims to provide useful insights and recommendations to inform these discussions and help guide improved implementation and reporting. The review of the 42 VNR reports submitted to the HLPF in 2021, as well as the analysis of 17 VNR-related civil society reports, show both positive and concerning trends. The report covers all aspects of 2030 Agenda implementation through an examination of governance arrangements, institutional mechanisms and stakeholder engagement, policies, means of implementation, and reporting. Key findings, good practice case studies, emerging best practices and recommendations are presented throughout this edition.


-Civil society validity check on p. 32 – information attributed to Norway should be instead attributed to Denmark, based on a spotlight report prepared by the Danish 92 Group and Global Focus.

-Civil society validity check on p. 38 – in the report we read “Barwaqo Hussein, LNOB representative”, but the correct title should be “Bawarqo Hussein, representative of the Danish LNOB-coalition.”


Fifth Edition of Progressing National SDGs Implementation

Fifth Edition of Progressing National SDGs Implementation

The Progressing National SDGs Implementation report provides an independent analysis of reporting by United Nations Member States to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). Supported by a coalition of civil society organizations from around the world and prepared by Cooperation Canada, the report examines the current status of 2030 Agenda implementation, unpacks trends in reporting and identifies good practice.

The fifth edition of the report (2020) showcases positive trends with respect to reporting on partnerships, including the role played by civil society, and policy coherence. However, it also underlines the continued silence by Member States in Voluntary National Review reports on closing of the civic space, as well as the lack of reference to national accountability mechanisms. Moreover, this year’s report discusses the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on overall implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The interactive, global launch webinar (March 31st, 2021) outlined key findings from the report, offered reflections from representatives from governments, the United Nations, and global and national civil society organizations on the findings and reporting experiences. Moreover, participants provided insights on opportunities for engagement by civil society and other stakeholders at the HLFP and in VNR processes in 2021.


Multi-stakeholder engagement in 2030 agenda implementation

CCIC partnered with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs to research how governments engage with diverse stakeholders to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda calls on governments to apply a whole-of-government and a whole-of-society approach to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. Based on a review of country reporting to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development over 2016-2019, the study identified trends and country experiences with respect to multi-stakeholder engagement. The report showcases 10 lessons to inform inclusive and participatory approaches to 2030 Agenda implementation.  

VNR Stakeholder Engagement Research

Equitable Partnerships through Triangular Co-operation

Equitable Partnerships through Triangular Co-operation

CCIC partnered with Global Affairs Canada to understand how Canadian civil society organizations are engaging in triangular co-operation. Over late 2019 and early 2020, CCIC worked to raise awareness among Canadian CSOs about the new definition of triangular co-operation, identified and documented related civil society experiences and consulted Canadian CSOs on key enabling factors for engaging in effective triangular co-operation. The initiative culminated in a synthesis report of key findings and a set of 16 short, 2-3 page profiles for each project examined under the initiative.” 


Equitable Partnerships through Triangular Co-operation Report  Full report 

Equitable Partnerships through Triangular Co-operation, English highlights | French highlights  

Profiles of examined projects available* – English profiles | French profiles  

*All profiles will be available in both English and French in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!” 

PowerPoint presentation

Recording – Webinar of March 23, 2020

Delivering Results for Women and Girls: Intersectoral approaches to water, sanitation, hygiene and health

Delivering Results for Women and Girls: Intersectoral approaches to water, sanitation, hygiene and health

In May 2019, WaterAid Canada partnered with the Canadian Council for International Co-operation to convene a roundtable of health and WASH sector stakeholders within Canada’s development sector. The roundtable identified recommendations that will support more integrated approaches to health and WASH to realize sustainable development impact, notably for women and girls. Check out Delivering results for women and girls: Intersectoral approaches to water, sanitation, hygiene and health to find out how Canada’s health and WASH sectors can adopt more integrated approaches and see recommendations for how Global Affairs Canada can support such efforts. 

Fourth Edition of Progressing National SDGs Implementation

Fourth Edition of Progressing National SDGs Implementation

“Progressing National SDGs Implementation is the fourth in a regular series of reports commissioned by civil society. The report provides an independent analysis of the 47 English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic Voluntary National Review (VNR) reports submitted in 2019 to the UN’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).


Prepared by the Canadian Council for International Co-operation, the report identifies ten key pillars that we believe are essential to the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also recognizes emerging good practice and sets out a range of conclusions and recommendations with respect to how countries can both improve their implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and use the HLPF as an opportunity for mutual peer learning, knowledge exchange and support. Importantly, the review also provides a comparative assessment of how VNR reporting is evolving over time through a comparison of analysis of the VNRs in 2016, 2017 and 2018 with findings for 2019.


This year’s report showcases positive trends with respect to reporting on leaving no one behind and stakeholder engagement. However, it also underlines the continued silence by Member States in Voluntary National Review reports on closing of the civic space and discusses how this impacts the ability of all stakeholders to engage and implement the sustainable development goals.