Become a Member
Member Benefits
Distinct Voice
Cooperation Canada promotes a sense of common identity for civil society groups and NGOs. It provides the weight of a combined sector-wide voice on key issues of international cooperation. Cooperation Canada is Canada’s central body for NGOs and civil society groups working in international development and humanitarian assistance; its member organizations constitute a who’s who of Canadian NGOs.
Effective Analysis
Cooperation Canada is the “go-to” source for the latest trends in Canadian aid spending and practice. Canadian aid policy is analyzed and compared to donor practices around the world. Media, government departments and member organizations use our web site to gain up-to-date analysis of Canada’s aid spending. Cooperation Canada represents the sector on several government committees. Reality of Aid Network which provides independent analysis and reports on global aid flows.
Network Opportunities
Opportunities for direct contact with key sector leaders, knowledge sharing, and an exceptional learning environment are all results of ample networking opportunities made available through us. Cooperation Canada is the key sector convener on issues of aid, development and global social justice. We have several working groups, including the Africa Canada Forum, CFO working group, HR and Youth Engagement working groups, that connect in our Member Portal to share their expertise, find synergies and cooperate with each other. Cooperation Canada convenes several events, dialogues and consultations with government. Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness.
Cooperation Canada is a leader when it comes to high standards of operation. Openness, transparency and accountability are key elements of Cooperation Canada’s Code of Ethics and Operational Standards. The Code of Ethicsoutlines the principles of development, standards for partnership, governance, management and human resources, as well as fundraising communications and financial management. All members must subscribe to the Code of Ethics and regularly review and certify their practices against the standards contained in the Code. Cooperation Canada was one of the first in the world to adopt a code of ethics that included both “principles of development” and a “code of conduct.” The Code of Ethics will be renewed every two years.

Cooperation Canada has a proven track record in swaying government policy. It adds profile and weight to key policy positions of members and coalitions. Cooperation Canada advocacy includes shaping the FIAP, corporate accountability, food aid, access to medicines and development effectiveness. Cooperation Canada is an expert witness at many parliamentary committees and frequently offers media commentary on the quality and quantity of Canadian foreign aid. We have helped acquire game-changing outcomes with the passage and enactment of Canada’s Better Aid Bill – the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act.
91% of our members are satisfied with their membership!
Additional Benefits
- Access to Cooperation Canada Working Groups ( Innovative Finance Group, Communications Group, Emerging Leaders Network and more)
- Opportunities to work with Global Affairs Canada through the
- Task Force for Improving Effectiveness
- the CFO Working Group
- the Civil Society Policy Advisory Group
- Opportunities to provide policy input through consultations and surveys
- Exclusive member-only content
- Member-only webinars and calls
- Discounted registration rates for Cooperation Canada events
- Two free job postings and five free volunteer posts per year
- Amplification of your work
- A desk to work from when you travel to Ottawa
- Via Rail 7.5% discount code for Cooperation Canada members (proof of membership required)
- Year-round discounted room rates for Cooperation Canada members at the Sheraton Ottawa Hotel and the Chelsea Hotel Toronto (conditions apply).
- 10% discount applied for any recommended Cooperation Canada member who subscribes to DevelopmentAid platform for any subscription package.
Process to Become a Member
- Organizations interested in joining Cooperation Canada must meet the following criteria:
- Be federally or provincially incorporated in Canada as a non-profit;
- Have activities relating to international cooperation; and
- Have been active in Canada for at least two years.
When the organization is ready to present its application, it must follow these steps:
- Fill out the Application Form
- Indicate in the application form how they plan to be in compliance with the Code of Ethics within three (3) years of membership approval.
- Submit the following documents in the Application Form:
- Last annual report
- Audited statements
- Letters patent
- By-laws
- Have two (2) current members of Cooperation Canada fill this recommendation form, which allows the membership committee to get first-hand accounts of the organization’s work and ethical commitments.
Once the Application form and Support letters are received, the Membership Committee (composed of Board members) reviews the application based on:
- Likeliness to comply with the Code of Ethics;
- Current or potential contributions and/or engagement in the sector; and
- Specific expertise or experience that enhances the diversity of our membership.
Criteria 1 and 2 are required for potential members. The committee then makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors on the application, and the Board makes the final decision. If the application is rejected, the applicant may reapply two years after the date of the original application. Applications accepted by the Board during a given year are ratified by members at the annual general meeting.
Membership Fees
Membership dues are calculated based on organization staff numbers reported in the organizations’ most recent CRA annual T3010 filing available online at the start of Cooperation Canada’s fiscal year (April 1).
For all member-related inquiries, please contact [email protected]