“Progressing National SDG Implementation” is the second in a regular series of reports commissioned by civil society. It documents and analyses the 41 English, French and Spanish Voluntary National Review (VNR) reports submitted in 2017 to the UN’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).
The report identifies ten key pillars that we believe are essential to the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also recognizes emerging good practice and sets out a range of conclusions and recommendations with respect to how countries can both improve their implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and use the HLPF as an opportunity for mutual peer learning, knowledge exchange and support.
- Executive_Summary (1.1 MB) (EN)
- Sommaire (FR)
- Resumen Ejecutivo (ES)
- Sumário Executivo (PT)
- Executive Summary and Main Report (21.5 MB) (EN)
- Full Report – Executive Summary, Main Report and Annexes (28.8 MB) (EN)
- Annexes – List of the VNRs included in the report, methodology, two-page summaries of each country VNR (7.4 MB) (EN)