Humanitarian Response Network of Canada


The Humanitarian Response Network of Canada (HRN) is a vibrant community of practice made of over 35 Canadian Humanitarian Organisations. The HRN seeks to share lessons learned with the view to strengthen the quality and efficiency of humanitarian action by creating a conversation around key humanitarian policy issues and practices.


Formerly known as The Policy Action Group on Emergency Response (PAGER), the HRN was created in 1999 by a small group of humanitarian agencies. Over the past 15 years, the group has grown in size and in diversity. As the only network of its kind in Canada, the HRN has fostered a rich and meaningful dialogue on humanitarian issues of critical importance to the sector. The HRN is currently hosted by Cooperation Canada in Ottawa, Canada. 

All of the HRN’s member agencies are committed in some way to alleviating the suffering of people affected by disasters and complex emergencies in accordance with agreed humanitarian principles and standards, as well as Canadian values. 


Read the HRN’s five-year Strategic Plan below!


HRN Coordinator: Patrice Charpentier
613-241-7007 | [email protected]