The Canadian Centre of Expertise on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

Cooperation Canada hosts Digna, the Canadian Centre of Expertise on PSEA, funded by Global Affairs Canada.  

The word “Digna” is Latin for “worthy.” Digna supports the Canadian international development and humanitarian sector to be worthy of the trust placed in them by Canadians, by our Government and by millions of people who benefit from Canadian official development assistance around the world. 

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Digna aims to increase awareness of, access to, and use of gender-responsive policies and good practices to PSEA. This is done through encouraging organizational culture change within the Canadian international cooperation community by providing training, online resources and consultation services for the adoption of gender-responsive best practices with the ultimate goal of preventing sexual exploitation and abuse in operations and partnerships, particularly of women and girls. 

We encourage and want to support organizations of the sector to commit to preventing sexual exploitation and abuse. The first step is signing the Leaders’ Pledge on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconductin addition to getting informed about and adhering to international guidelines and ongoing efforts to adopt good practices that inform policies, procedures and partnerships. 

Digna’s Website

Digna aspires to make resources on PSEA more accessible to Canadian organizations and their partners. If you would like to know more about Digna, please visit where you will be able to find useful information and resources about PSEA. For example:  

  • How Digna can support you and your organization 
  • Global Affairs Canada PSEA requirements 
  • Examples of Organizational Policies that address PSEA from Canadian CSOs 
  • Examples of Codes of conduct that explicitly prohibit sexual exploitation and abuse, 
  • Available trainings 
  • Toolkits  



For any inquiries, please email 



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