How CCIC is responding to COVID-19
The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way many of us operate on a day-to-day basis. We have seen the cancellation of events, closing of stores, restaurants and workplaces, and the need for social distancing in order to help control the spread of the virus. Our sector is not immune to all these changes.
We are sharing with you CCIC’s response to this evolving situation:
We have cancelled all in-person gatherings and events until the end of April.
We’re continuing to serve our members and sector by operating virtually and working from home.
We also plan to move forward with all virtual calls with members, unless otherwise specified.
We hope you will join us this Friday for a joint call, where we will receive an update from Global Affairs Canada on their response to COVID-19. See details below.
In these rapidly changing times, we hope you are well and able to keep your families safe.
CCIC, CAIDP, CAN-RAC and ICN Joint Call on COVID-19
March 20, French call at 12 p.m., English call at 1 p.m. (online)
Please join CCIC, the Canadian Association for International Development Professionals (CAIDP), the Climate Action Network (CAN-RAC) and the Inter-Council Network (ICN) for a call on Friday, where we will receive an update from Global Affairs Canada on their response to COVID-19. We will share your questions with Global Affairs prior to the call to try and answer as many of your concerns as possible. Please include your questions for Global Affairs Canada here prior to Thursday, March 19 at noon (ET).
Let us share with the rest of the sector what we know and how we are managing the crisis by completing this form. We will be compiling summaries of organizational responses here. We also ask that you share resources as you come across them here.
View the recording of the call here: Joint Call on COVID-19