CCIC’s Board is composed of 14 Directors, elected to represent the diversity of our membership. At our AGM in June, members will be called upon to renew the mandates of some directors which seek re-election at the end of their two-year mandate. In addition, following the resignation of one director, members will also be asked to elect a new member of the Board. In preparation, a call for nominations is now open and members are invited to submit the nomination of candidates by completing and returning this form by May 8 to Mona Murango at [email protected].
In preparation for this call for nominations, the CCIC Board Governance, Nominations and HR Committee has reviewed the present Board composition and our Board diversity policy. While overall Board diversity is strong and reflective of membership-wide diversity, the Committee nonetheless wishes to share some areas where it feels additional representation would be welcome. Nominations which present one or more of the following characteristics would help to round out Board diversity even further.
- Bilingualism in Canada’s two official languages
- Youth
- First Nations
- Global South / Cultural Diversity
- Faith community affiliation
- Labour movement affiliation
- Prairie provinces representation
The characteristics above are not requirements for nominations and it is acknowledged it would be highly unlikely for any one candidate to tick all of these boxes. These are provided only as a guide and to encourage nominations which may assist in further expanding the diversity of voices on the CCIC Board.