We are happy to welcome MEDA as CCIC’s newest member! MEDA – Mennonite Economic Development Associates – is an international economic development organization whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty.

Since 1953, MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Associates) has been implementing effective market-driven programs globally.  MEDA combines innovative private sector solutions with a commitment to the advancement and empowerment of excluded, low-income and disadvantaged communities (including women and youth) with core expertise in market systems and value chains, climate-smart agriculture, financial services, and impact investment. MEDA partners with local private, public and civil society actors, strengthening individuals, institutions, communities and ecosystems, and thereby contributing to sustainable and inclusive systemic change.

MEDA works to:

  • Alleviate poverty
  • Support sustainable business growth and livelihoods
  • Help women move into more valued and equitable roles in their economies
  • Support businesses and small entrepreneurs gain access to financial services including investment, adopt clean technologies/climate-smart approaches, and minimize their environmental footprint
  • Improve local economies


For more information, visit their website here.