The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) is pleased to hear the government’s Throne Speech today speak to the need to “invest more in international development while supporting developing countries on their economic recoveries and resilience. Canada will also support work to ensure that people around the world have access to a vaccine.”
We agree that we cannot eliminate the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada unless we end it everywhere; and we applaud the government’s stated ambitions to lead a global response to COVID-19 in which increased investments in international assistance ensure that no one is left behind.
COVID-19 has highlighted the inequalities that exist at home, and around the world. These disparities have the potential to be catastrophic in low and middle income countries where food systems may be less secure and are already impacted by climate change; where children may need to support their families and, as such, may never return to school; and where social safety nets and health care systems are no match to ours. It is estimated that around the world COVID-19 will push 71 million people into extreme poverty and 265 million into acute food insecurity; and result in 117 million missed child vaccinations and 31 million additional cases of gender-based violence.
“Today the Canadian government has committed to standing up for Canadian values, at a time when the world needs it more than ever. We look forward to investments to follow today’s commitment to build back better and leave no one behind,” CCIC’s CEO Nicolas Moyer states.
The Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) encourages Canada to fulfill the intentions laid out in today’s Speech from the Throne by committing at least 1% of its total COVID response – or $2 billion in new and additional funds – to a global response that tackles the spread of the virus and its secondary impacts in the poorest countries. These investments are not only urgently needed and the right thing to do but they are also the path to global and Canadian recovery. The only way out of this global crisis is through multilateralism, international cooperation, mutual support and solidarity.
Media Contact:
Kat Guerin, Communications Manager
[email protected]
Cell phone: 613-222-3009