The Africa-Canada Forum (ACF) hosted a workshop entitled “Challenging Africa’s Perceptions: A Feminist Perspective” during CCIC’s Annual Conference in Ottawa on October 19, 2018.
The panel, jointly organized by the Africa Canada Forum (ACF), the CASID-CCIC Next Generation for collaboration and MATCH International Women’s Fund, explored the question of how can we challenge “the single story” narrative of Africa in Canada? What are the implications of the African story as a “miserable and poor” continent for humanitarian action and international solidarity? What are the unseen gender dynamics behind the “single story?”
Tackling these pressing questions were panelists Theo Sowa of the African Women’ Development fund, Gisèle Baraka Bashige, journalist and program officer at Associations des Femmes des Médias (AFEM-RDC), and Ketty Nivyabandi of the Nobel Women’s Initiative. Moderating the panel was former Radio-Canada’s correspondent for Africa, Sophie Langlois.
ACF contact
Sebastián Vielmas
Regional Working Group Officer
Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC)
+1 613 241 7007 Poste/Ext. 321 | [email protected]